At the roots of Russian Hermeneutics
literary criticism, hermeneutics, text’s estimation, “text’s service”, quasisacraltext, Mihailovsky, Leontjev, “cruel talent”, new Christianity.Abstract
The authoress is developing her project “The Russian hermeneutics”, – she is making a
study of the works of the Silber-age philosophers devoted to fi ction. In this article she is trying
to describe the hermeneutic’s fore-going stage: she looks for it in the domain of the literary
criticism and the philosophy of the second half of XIX century. The Dostoevsky’s study is
the most important trend of the nativ hermeneutics. The autoress considers N. Mihailovsky,
C. Leontjev, V. Solovjev and V. Rosanov as the direct fore-runner of the hermeneutic studies as
such. The conclusion of these thinker about the new Dostoevsky’s ethics and religion were taken
by L. Shestov, D. Merezhkovsky, N. Berdjaev a.o. as a basis of their books and treatises. Their
work as the interpretators was accompanied by developing of the “new religios mind’s” principles.