Fears in Life and Life in Fears
fear, transient fear, sensitive I, Egoinvolvement, Ego-caution, constant fearAbstract
In this article the fear is examined in two hypostases: fear as the state of subject (fears in
the life or fears – here and now) and fear as the method of existence of the behavior, when fear
becomes function I (life in the fear or fear – always). The authors show that signifi cance and the
force of fear in many respects connected with the sensitive I, that appears in one case as egocaution,
and in other as ego-involvement. Existing at the disposal of fear as “prisoner” individual
I can resist fears (ego-reasonable), but it can completely indulge to them (ego-detuned). By
condition “for resistance” to fear, that not allowing its strengthening and expansion, the authors
examine the joint “appearance” of shame and will, directed toward strengthening of fearlessness