The Evolution of G.S. Batischev’s views on the Category of subject Activity
G.S. Batishchev, subject activity (gegenständliche Tätigkeit), subject (Gegenstand), Vergegenständlichung, Entgegenständlichung, creativity, transcending, bound of Entgegenständlichkeit, communication, subject, object, substance, substantialism, antisubstantialism, anthropocentrism, thing activity, humanismAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of G.S. Batishchev’s views on the
category of subject activity. It was shown that such evolution had moved from the full acceptance
of category of subject activity to comprehension of the necessity of limiting its worldviewmethodological
status, and also differentiation of activity and creativity.
History of Russian Philosophy
How to Cite
2021. The Evolution of G.S. Batischev’s views on the Category of subject Activity. Voprosy Filosofii. 8 (Apr. 2021), 98–111.