Non-Mortal, Mortal and Immortal Adam in Biblical Anthropogony Teachings
the problem of life, death and immortality in the Hebrew Bible; Biblical, Amorean and Phoenician anthropogony conceptsAbstract
The author analyses key aspects of the Israeli-Judahite views concerning the essence of human nature, man’s liminal position between the other world and the terrestrial one, as well as concerning the entry of death into the earthly world. Special attention is given to the consideration of the anthropogony concepts attested in the Book of Genesis (1:1–6:4; the Priestly Source and the Yahwist), Ezekiel (28:1–19) and Job (15:7) against the background of relevant data contained in some other books of the Hebrew Bible. The author makes an attempt to reveal possible parallels to Biblical concepts of the Protoman, attested in the Amorean genealogies. The article also deals with some sources of the Hellenistic period that contained materials on the Phoenician anthropogony views.