Social Roles of the Scientist from “Escapist” to “Manager”
scientific society, intellectual labour, escapism, management, manager, social role of the scientist, scientific project, administrator, image of the scientist, scientific creativityAbstract
The article deals with the interrelations between two social roles of the scienitsts: “escapist” and “manager”. It is shown that the process of scientific creativity demands that the scientist should be “escapist” on one hand (i.e. the scientist should immerse itself completely into the world of scientific creativity, ignoring the social environment) and “manager” on the other hand (i.e. the scientist should manage the scientific process on different levels – from individual grants to the high-level administrative functions in scientifi c organizations). It is demonstrated that the ability of the scientist to act as a “manager” is necessary to provide the mutual understanding between the scientifi c society and society on the whole. The article concludes that it is necessary in the present situation to develop such forms of science organization that will take into account different possibilities to perform different social roles by the scientists in the spectrum between
“escapists” and “managers”.