V.I. Lenin about Relationship of the Thinking to Being and a Problem of Ontological Status of Human Subjectivity


  • Kazhimurat Abishev


being, matter, consciousness, subject, activity, freedom, substance, thinking, cognition, refl ection, creativity, alienation, ideal, idea, concept, existing, due


In the article an attempt to show the main ideological ambiguity of Marxist materialistic understanding of the history is made. This understanding consists that on the one hand the human thinking is presented as only reflection of the social being understanding as its material basis, and there are ideas about future social device in the form of communism, its lowest stage – socialism, yet not become social being, reality, reflection of which these ideas could be – on the other hand. This contrast of world outlooks especially obviously is found in V.I. Lenin’s philosophical

works, and also in his political practice.





Philosophy and Society

How to Cite

2020. V.I. Lenin about Relationship of the Thinking to Being and a Problem of Ontological Status of Human Subjectivity. Voprosy Filosofii. 6 (Apr. 2020).