To a Question of Formation of the Concept “Look” in Sartre's Philosophy


  • Ivan Kuzin


J.-P. Sartre, Look, intentionality, consciousness, thing, ego, Another, phenomenology, existentialism.


In article the philosophical sources which have influenced formation of a concept
“Look” in philosophy of Sartre are revealed, and also own ideas of the French philosopher
formulated by it in “The Transcendenсe of Ego” which taking into account a number of the
provisions “Being and Nothingness” create conditions for understanding of this concept not
only in a context of measurement of human existence are analysed, but also is wider when to
a being of a look are involved and things. For the solution of an objective specifics of existential
audit of the transcendental sphere, the basic importance of a perspective of a corporality
reveal, and communication between concepts “Look” and “Another”, as representation of
Being as a whole comes to light.





History of Philosophy

How to Cite

2015. To a Question of Formation of the Concept “Look” in Sartre’s Philosophy. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2015), 169–178.