The Soteriological Knowledge in Hindu Tantrism


  • Sergey Pakhomov


soteriology, knowledge, Hindu Tantrism, liberation.


Like other Indian religious and philosophical systems, Hindu Tantrism attaches great importance
to the concept of spiritual knowledge (jnana). It is this knowledge allows to obtain
liberation (moksha, mukti) from ignorance, karma and samsara. Knowledge is the very nature of
Atman (Brahman), so that “knowledge of Atman” means a permanent and conscious residence
in it. Soteriological knowledge is identificational in its nature. Thanks to it, the individual ceases
to be considered himself as a separate person and is aware of himself as a manifestation of the
supreme principle. In attainment of knowledge there are two approaches to the problem of liberation.
First, an ascetic one, is associated with the achievement of control over the sensual sphere;
second, in fact tantric, is focused on a transformation, spiritualization of sensuality. One of the
main features of a purely tantric attitude to knowledge is the desire to present the various aspects
of it immediately in the religious practice.





History of Philosophy

How to Cite

2015. The Soteriological Knowledge in Hindu Tantrism. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2015), 141–150.