The Fragment “On the Trinity” in the General Context of the Theological Heritage by Aleksey Khomyakov
Khomyakov, Irenaeus of Lyons, Trinity, Pentecost, the doctrine of the Church.Abstract
According to modern scholars, there is absolutely no doubt that the anonymous fragment
”On the Trinity”, written in Latin, came from the pen of Aleksey Khomyakov, but today there are
no works that would consistently analyse the range of related problems. Meanwhile, the ideas it
contains are crucial for the doctrine of the Church by Aleksey Khomyakov. In his conclusions
Khomyakov relies on St. Irenaeus of Lyons, while the analysis shows that, in fact, they are based
on the thesis that goes back not to the text by the Father of the Church, but to the paradigms of
philosophical idealism.
History of Russian Philosophy
How to Cite
2015. The Fragment “On the Trinity” in the General Context of the Theological Heritage by Aleksey Khomyakov. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2015), 83–93.