Исследование сознания в философии и когнитивных науках: почему трудная проблема сознания не нуждается в решении
neural correlate of consciousness, hard problem, fi rst person perspective, subjectivity, qualia, folk psychology.Abstract
The hard problem of consciousness is to explain how physical processes in the brain give rise to subjective experience. I am arguing that the hard problem is not a problem for science. As soon as the nomological correlation between subjective experience and objective facts about the brain is established, the scientifi c understanding of consciousness is in place. What we need in order to solve the remaining hard problem is not a discovery of new facts about the brain and not a formulation of psychophysical bridging principles, but the realization that the concepts we use in our discussion about consciousness must be changed, because they make the hard problem unsolvable.
History of Philosophy
How to Cite
2021. Исследование сознания в философии и когнитивных науках: почему трудная проблема сознания не нуждается в решении. Voprosy Filosofii. 4 (Apr. 2021), 185–194.