Исследования логической мысли Древнего Китая: тупики и выходы
Часть I. Историография проблемы
Handbook of the History of Logical Thought in China, The “Needham Question”, Rectifi cation of names, The logic of I Ching, Mode of thinking, xiangshu zhi xue, Numerology, Pseudoscience, Constructive approach to logic.Abstract
Chinese logical thought is in the focus of historico-logical science of the 21st century. From
2010 to 2014 there was a whole series of international conferences on the history of Chinese
logical thought. The article discusses the history of the study of logical and methodological
heritage of ancient China, both in China and abroad. The author traces and analyzes the
controversy of national historiography regarding such an important component of the Chinese
tradition of logic, as the logic of I Ching. In particular, he exposes a pseudoscientifi c nature of
“numerological” interpretations of ancient Chinese logical and methodological ideas that are in
line with the astrological, UFO, and other forms of modern obscurantism and which are gaining
strength in the Russian Sinology.