“Черные тетради” М. Хайдеггера: по следам публикации


  • Н.В. Мотрошилова


“Black Notebooks”, Martin Heidegger, Modern Age, Machenschaft(en), Rechenschaft(en), Riesig(en), national socialism, National principles, Judentum, Deutschtum, Russentum, racism, anti-Semitism.


The author analyses two bombshell effects produced by the recent publication of so called
Black Notebooks (Schwarze Hefte) by Martin Heidegger (Gesamtausgabe, Bd. 94–96, 2014).
Until recently scholars and wider public appear to have been unaware of these Heidegger’s strictly
private labors performed from 1931 through the end of his life. These Notes make up a body
of 34 notebooks in black binding covering philosopher’s innermost thoughts concerning philosophy,
history and society in general. Today we are witnessing a start of brand new and unforeseen
stage in Heideggerian scholarship, which promises to put a ban on the conscientious ignoring
of the Black Notebooks. The present article keeps up the scholarly debate touching upon the
philosopher’s anti-Semitism as well as the categories of Machenschaften, Rechenschaft (rechnerisch)
and Riesig(en), that had been employed in analysis of the Modern Age and the National




How to Cite

2021. “Черные тетради” М. Хайдеггера: по следам публикации. Voprosy Filosofii. 4 (Apr. 2021), 131–162.