Трансдисциплинарные методологии и технологии современной науки
postnonclassical scientifi c rationality, nonclassical epistemology, technoscience, converging technologies, transdisciplinarity, complex thinking, social assessment of technologyAbstract
Changes taking place in contemporary science are characterized as “postnonclassical scientifi
c rationality”, “nonclassical epistemology”, “technoscience”, “second type of knowledge production”
and “transdisciplinary research”. The paper gives contemporary analysis of the abovementioned
conceptions with the aim to reveal common features in these models of scientifi c
dynamics and to defi ne the most important parameters for transformation and development strategy
of the contemporary science. The reason of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary integration
are displayed. Transdisciplinarity entered the scientifi c practice and became particularly
acute in terms of technoscience and convergent technologies. It is highlighted that regarding new
forms of scientifi c knowledge with integrated fundamental, applied, socio-psychological, sociocultural,
ethical and political aspects we should not forget about incorporation of science and society
into overwhelming evolution process with interpretation of interaction between science and
society as co-evolution.