Социология науки и философия науки: за пределами дескриптивизма и нормативизма


  • О. Е. Столярова


history and philosophy of science, sociology of science, the strong programme, relativism, ontology, process philosophy.


This paper discusses David Bloor’s “Strong Programme” in the light of the opposition
between normative and descriptive approaches to science and its history. It is argued that both
the normative and the descriptive conceptions of science remain in the framework of apophatic
ontology inspired by Hume and Kant and accepted by their followers. This kind of ontology
leads to an “intellectualist bias” in understanding of cause-and-effect relationship, which, in
its turn, forces us to reduce the changes of knowledge to unchangeable universal structures. It
is concluded that a philosophically-oriented history of science as a metaphysics of change lies
beyond the bounds of normativism-descriptivism dilemma.



History of Philosophy

How to Cite

2021. Социология науки и философия науки: за пределами дескриптивизма и нормативизма. Voprosy Filosofii. 4 (May 2021), 168–177.