“...Вся мысль и забота... была о Нем, о Помазаннике”: С.Н. Булгаков о “падении русского самодержавия” (1917–1922)
S.N. Bulgakov, Russian autocracy, the royal power, theocracy, “the White Tsar”, anointed sovereign, Caesaropapism, the Russian people, the Russian revolution, apocalyptic, P.A. Florensky.Abstract
The major Russian thinker S.N. Bulgakov`s representation of Russian autocracy is in the
center of the author's attention. Bulgakov`s representation formed in a crucial period for the
country, during the Revolution and the fi rst postrevolutionary years. At that time Bulgakov
became a priest and was expelled from Russia. He came to the conclusion that political events
depend on the level of the religious life of the people. It is signifi cant that at the relevant time
Bulgakov came here to opposite conclusions.
History of Russian Philosophy
How to Cite
2021. “. Вся мысль и забота. была о Нем, о Помазаннике”: С.Н. Булгаков о “падении русского самодержавия” (1917–1922). Voprosy Filosofii. 4 (May 2021), 99–112.