Исследования логической мысли Древнего Китая: тупики и выходы. Часть II. Логика “И-цзина”


  • Andrei Krushinsky


logic in Ancient China, Yijing, reasoning by “extending of kinds”, analogical reasoning, reasoning according to a prototype, the principle of sameness-in-kind, fundamental inductive definition


The article analyzes the logical nature of reasoning based on the “extending of kinds”
(tuilei ), which is the kernel of Yijing logic. The identification of categorial ground of the
reasoning by ”extending of kinds” and demonstration of culturally determined specificity of
the latter are proposed.



History of Philosophy

How to Cite

2021. Исследования логической мысли Древнего Китая: тупики и выходы. Часть II. Логика “И-цзина”. Voprosy Filosofii. 10 (Apr. 2021), 163–179.