From Eurocentrism to Intercultural Philosophy


  • Marietta Stepanyants


intercultural philosophy, East and West, eurocentrism, ethnocentrism, comparative studies, cognitive modesty, dialogue, globalism, synthesis, pluralism, history of philosophy


The eurocentric approach according to which the Western philosophy is the single measure
for philosophy was put under criticism and reconsidered mainly due to the development of the
studies in Eastern thought, and the evolution of comparative philosophy which brought in 80–
90s of the XX century to the emergence of intercultural philosophy. The latter is aimed at the
transformation of philosophy in accord with the principal of ‘cognitive modesty’ which makes to
acknowledge that the western way of philosophizing is not the only one. Intercultural philosophy
is a very rich reflection not limited by national or civilization boarders. It purposes to comprehend
and to find the solutions for both purely philosophical and global issues through dialogue as a
means of reaching understanding and finding new ways to tackle the universal issues.



History of Philosophy

How to Cite

2021. From Eurocentrism to Intercultural Philosophy. Voprosy Filosofii. 10 (Apr. 2021), 150–162.