Typology of World Mystic Traditions and Methods of Phychopractice
mystic traditions, Absolute, ideal and material, psychopractice.Abstract
Typology of world mystic traditions is formed according to the three essential attitudes:
1) the substance of the Absolute; 2) the intersubordination of ideal and phenomenal beings;
3) the methods of mystic phychopractice. The fi rst attitude consolidates the two main mystic
types. The immanent mystics is the mystics of integration with the Absolute by substance and
leads to transformation of consciousness. The transcendental immanent mystics (antinomical) is
the mystics of connection with the Absolute by God`s grace and leads to transfi guration of personality. Monistic, dualistic, pluralistic, holistic and integrative traditions are formed according
to the second attitude within two types.The main methods of phychopractice are disciplinary asceticism, psychosomatic exercises, meditative contemplation and love-trust to the Absolute.