Heidegger''s Hermeneutics and Lebensphilosophie
This article considers the sources of Heidegger’s hermeneutical method in the philosophy of life of Dilthey and Nietzsche. The author demonstrates that Dilthey’s hermeneutics provided Heidegger not only with the hermeneutical method itself as an alternative to the dominant scientific quantitative method, but also a new object for interpretation, human life in its everyday evidences, along with understanding of this life as historical in its essence. Both Dilthey and Nietzsche have inspired Heidegger to search for a kind of non-intentional experiencing of the cognized object rather than its objectifying representation, which is inferior to the former and dependent on it. Nietzsche’s teaching on perspectivism of every life and knowledge was transformed in Heidegger’s notion of Entwurf in Sein und Zeit, and subsequently resulted in ascribing a special privileged access of art, especially of poetry, to experiencing of Being.