The Fates of Marxism and Empirio-Criticism in Russia Reflections on D. Steyla's Book


  • V.N. Belov
  • P.M. Kolychev


The book of the famous Italian researcher, Slavic, professor of the University of Turin, Daniela Steyla, at the first appeal to it, cannot but cause any domestic specialist to have quite obvious questions, both general and specific. How interesting can the topic of empiriocriticism be in the context of the history of Russian philosophy? How can plots of science, revolution and culture, especially, of course, revolution, be productively and not eclectically connected in this topic, given the time period that is indicated in the title? And finally, given the time of publication of the book in Italian - 1996 - is the translation late, is it too late for the domestic reader at the beginning of this century to get acquainted with the material that seemed relevant to the Italian author at the end of the last century?





History of Russian Philosophy

How to Cite

2020. The Fates of Marxism and Empirio-Criticism in Russia Reflections on D. Steyla’s Book. Voprosy Filosofii. 7 (Mar. 2020), 102–107.