Round-table conference “The philosophy of Russia of the 1st half of the 20th century”
Russian philosophy of the fi rst half of the 20-th century is usually spoken about as being an
“aborted fl ight”. The coherent space of thought and communication of Russian philosophers fell
apart. Therefore one of the most topical problems of today's philosophy is the restoration of the
continuity of it's traditions that were established at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries.
An intensive work in this direction began in 1990s. Today this work goes on, particularly as part
of the preparation of the series “The philosophy of Russia of the 1st half of the 20th century”.
The aim of this round-table conference is to discuss the research directions, that have recently
been formed, and that continue the traditions of Russian intellectual culture, and to further aid
the formation of the whole culture-historical image of Russian philosophy as a polyphonic
phenomenon in the diversity of modern research contexts.