3D dialectics (Philosophy of complementarity)
philosophy, dialectics, logic, complementarity principle, humanism, man, super-strong anthropic principle.Abstract
It is argued that the laws of dialectics, defined by G. Hegel, have a limit character. They are based on a 2-dimensional logic of Aristotle and insufficient for an adequate description of the phenomena of nature and the human world. The problem of plenitude of the description is partly solved by the inclusion of the complementarity principle, formulated by N. Bohr, in: a) a 2-dimensional ("flat") logic with its conversion to a 3-dimensional ("volumetric") logic; b) a dialectical triad as a fourth law. The complementarity principle also solves the problem of the relationship between: a) a person (a thinking mind) and nature in the form of super-strong anthropic principle (SAP); b) man-society-state in the form of a broad interpretation of the concept of “humanism”.