The Structure of science and supposed perspectives of its development


  • Anatoly I. Rakitov Center for Scientific and Information Research of Science, Education and Technology INION RAS, 15, k. 2., Krzhizhanovsky str., Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation.



structure of science, epistemique square, fundamental and applied re searches, finances of science, perspective of development and state science-tech nology policy.


The role of the new time science in the life of society grew constantly. Especially significant it has become with the development of industrial capitalism. Simultaneously strengthens the process of merchantdizing of science. In that time it produced models, standards and pattern of scientific researches that corresponds to the notion of paradigms i.e. classical scientific researches.
But the strengthening of links between science and economy, health, social activity, engineering leads to the domination of applied science. In such situation the trend for development in science is sintagmatic, but not paradigmatic. The notion of sintagma appears in the cognitive area of modern philosophy of science. On such level the basis for formalization is understood as an epistemique square. Fundamental applied researches became extraordinary expensive and they forms the significant part of the state budget. That is why analysis and prognosis of supposed new forms of researches and cognitive structure of science is now not an object of a simple curiosity of philosophers of science but an important component of a state science technological policy and a philosophy of science be come a part of a scientific management.






Philosophy and Science

How to Cite

2020. The Structure of science and supposed perspectives of its development. Voprosy Filosofii. 1 (Jan. 2020), 56–63. DOI: