Concepts of Space and Time in Philosophical and Mystical Teachings and in Modern Science
mystical space, mystical time, non-duality, unity, total presence, present, biological clockAbstract
The article provides a comparative analysis of ideas about space and time, formed in the philosophical and mystical teachings of the world, with those that are characteristic of modern science. The non-classical scientific paradigm has created a new understanding of the spatio-temporal organization of being, which is characterized by multidimensionality and relativity. There are unique features of space-time in inanimate, animate and social matter, which are studied by Physics, Biology and Social Sciences. Social space is characterized by hierarchy and the creation of clear boundaries, while mystical consciousness desire to destroy all distinctions by realizing the global unity of the existing. Mystical consciousness supports the idea of non-linearity, non-Euclidean biological space, which is characterized by the asymmetry of the left and right, lower and upper parts of the human body. If the biological and social time of a modern person is focused on acceleration, mystical time strives for total presence in the present, helps to live “here and now”. The psychopractices of prayer and meditative contemplation make a person’s life relaxed and peaceful, they are a natural way to slow down the biological clock, a powerful tool to combat stress.