Pavel Petrovich Sokolov: Philosophy as a Dream (Preface to the Publication of the Chapter “P.P. Sokolov” from the Memories of P.S. Popov), Popov, Pavel S., “P.P. Sokolov”, publication, archaeo­graphical work and comments by Semenova, Angelina I.


  • Angelina I. Semenova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49/2, Leningradskij av., Moscow, 125167, Russian Federation.



history of Russian philosophy, memoirs, P.S. Popov, I.V. Popov, university philosophy, knowledge, faith


The memoirs of Pavel Petrovich Sokolov (1863–1921), professor of the Moscow Theological Academy and Moscow University continue a series of publications from Pavel Sergeevich Popov’s (1892–1964) book of memoirs Images of the Past: Recollections from University, Gymnasium, and Childhood Years. In the preface to this meticulously annotated publication, a distinctive approach to the interpen­etration of philosophy and psychology, characteristic of Russian intellectual cul­ture, is brought to light. P.P. Sokolov’s work as a Russian psychologist and phi­losopher combined “european apprenticeship” with “his own word”, a religious aspiration toward the absolute with an experimental inquiry into the psycho-physiological foundations of human mental states. Popov vividly demonstrates this unique epistemological style of Sokolov. Furthermore, Popov’s notes con­tribute to clarifying both his own bibliography and the list of Sokolov’s original works and translations, as well as the themes of the psychological experiments conducted by Sokolov in the field of colored hearing. Popov’s memoirs represent a unique historical source, revealing Sokolov’s personality and his philosophical “dream”, the intimate circle of his reading and acquaintances that shaped this dreaminess, and the intellectual atmosphere of the Psychological Society and the Theological Academies of that time.





History of Russian Philosophy

How to Cite

2025. Pavel Petrovich Sokolov: Philosophy as a Dream (Preface to the Publication of the Chapter “P.P. Sokolov” from the Memories of P.S. Popov), Popov, Pavel S., “P.P. Sokolov”, publication, archaeo­graphical work and comments by Semenova, Angelina I. Voprosy Filosofii. 3 (Mar. 2025), 121–136. DOI: