The Development of Russian Civilization: from Opportunities and Ambitions to Trends and Prospects


  • Musa G. Kurbanov Regional Center for Ethnopolitical Studies of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 45, M. Gadzhieva str., Makhachkala, 367025, Russian Federation; Dagestan State University, 16, Shamilya str., Makhachkala, 367026, Russian Federation.



Russia, culture, civilization, Russian civilization, civilizational process, stages of development, phases of development, world order


Theoretical problems of understanding the multidimensional processes of civi­lizational development are analyzed in the article on the example of Russian ci­vilization. Russian civilization in the course of history not only improves its main basis, but also ascends from it to the subsequent basis, as from one stage to another, maintaining in the sequence of such transitions the dynamic balanc­ing of the same increasing core and auxiliary phases of development. The author assigns a special role in the Russian civilization to the tendencies of integration and universalization as the main directions of development. At the same time the trends of differentiation and increasing uniqueness are not removed from the agenda of perspective civilizational development and are considered as an im­manent source of its further qualitative enrichment. Russian civilization goes through various stages and phases of development, between which there were, are and will be both coordinated and conflict relations. The author comes to the con­clusion that in the course of development the Russian civilization is simultane­ously realized in the form of a carrier of different directions and related pro­jects – such as “civilization-state”, “civilization of poly-confessional harmony”, “civilization of national-ethnic solidarity”, and the possibility of “the world of system civilization”.





Philosophy and Ideology

How to Cite

2025. The Development of Russian Civilization: from Opportunities and Ambitions to Trends and Prospects. Voprosy Filosofii. 2 (Feb. 2025), 16–26. DOI: