A.L. Chizhevsky’s Holistic Anthropology in the Context of Scientific and Religious Worldview
A.L. Chizhevsky, Russian cosmism, philosophy of science, human, holism, determinism, global evolutionism, scientific rationality, Sofia, cosmic gameAbstract
The article is devoted to the holistic views of A.L. Chizhevsky on human; features of their reflection in the philosophical and scientific works of the thinker, as well as in his poetry, are revealed; scientific and religious aspects of the scientist’s holistic anthropology are investigated. Analysis of the holistic worldview presented in the metaphysical work “The main beginning of the universe. Cosmic system. Problems”, allows us to state that the holistic approach to the human by Chizhevsky the philosopher is based on his conviction in the impact of the universal principle of circulation on a single electric substrate. A study of the scientific works of one of the founders of space natural science suggests that the holistic anthropology reflected in them is based on specific laws that demonstrate human dependence on the environment (solar activity and ionized air). The Chizhevsky-poet forms the reader’s idea of the closest connection between micro- and macrocosm, about the cosmicity of a human being by using vivid images, without references to determinism; nevertheless, the anthropocosmic poems of “Leonardo da Vinci of the 20th century” are thematically related to his scientific research. The relevance of A.L. Chizhevsky’s holistic anthropology to the concept of global evolutionism and the post-classical type of scientific rationality is shown