The Match Should Take Place in Any Weather (to the 95th Anniversary of David Israelevich Dubrovsky)


  • Sergey F. Sergeev Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation.



D.I. Dubrovsky, the difficult problem of consciousness, NSMII RAS, artificial intelligence


The life path of the domestic philosopher David Izrailevich Dubrovsky, whose 95th anniversary we celebrated in March 2024, allows us today to return to Russian philosophy in its history and trace how intellectual discussions on the “psychophysiological problem” evolved among psychologists, physiologists, cognitive scientists, and philosophers (including “analysts”) working both in our country and abroad. The scientific biography of the jubilarian demonstrates the main qualities of his personality – constancy and perseverance in achieving goals. These qualities accompanied him in the battles of the Great Patriotic War and today help him defend his conceptual positions in scientific and philosophical discussions. His major monographs, “Psychic Phenomena and the Brain. A Philosophical Analysis of the Problem in Connection with Some Current Tasks of Neurophysiology, Psychology, and Cybernetics” (1971), “Information, Consciousness, Brain” (1980), “The Problem of the Ideal” (1983; 2nd ed. 2002), “The Problem of ‘Consciousness and Brain’: Theoretical Solution” (2015), demonstrate that for the last 60 years he has been studying the connection between phenomena of subjective reality and physiological processes occurring in the brain. In addition to presenting the main stages of D.I. Dubrovsky’s intellectual movement, the article highlights his role as a scientific organizer in the creation and work of the Scientific Council under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the methodology of artificial intelligence and cognitive research






How to Cite

2024. The Match Should Take Place in Any Weather (to the 95th Anniversary of David Israelevich Dubrovsky). Voprosy Filosofii. 8 (Aug. 2024), 212–216. DOI: