Mastering Space for Country Development


  • Viacheslav A. Shuper Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, 29/4, Staromonetnyj per., Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation.



siberization, frontier, pioneering mastering, alternative geography, decolonization, Western eccentricity, turn to the East, Siberia


Reconstruction of the country’s territorial organization and overcoming pro­nounced Western eccentricity are impossible without intellectual decolonization. In this direction finds itself the concept of the siberization of the country, deve­loped by S.A. Karaganov, as a change in the vector of its development in all spheres. One of the most important provisions of this concept is that climate warming will make the southern regions of Siberia much more favorable for life, which will contribute to a gradual change in its specialization, shifting the focus from the development of extractive industries to the development of manufactur­ing industries with high added value. The construction of new cities with signifi­cantly better quality of the urban environment, which has already begun, will at­tract representatives of the “creative class” and create objective prerequisites for the development of the most modern, breakthrough technologies. Of particular importance is the old idea of the economist I.A. Witwer that the changes in the most important world trade routes were not the consequences of the rise and decline of empires but preceded them. In the light of this theory, the deve­lopment of the North Sea Route, if it reaches the level of a powerful international transport artery, will be an important factor contributing to the rise of Russia as a world power. The challenges of the frontier will have a huge “rejuvenating” impact on the development of the country, since pioneer development is a ven­ture process that requires talent and risk taking. Accordingly, Siberia’s most im­portant function is not as a breadwinner of a country that supplies all kinds of re­sources, but as a giant testing ground, a kind of laboratory of the future






How to Cite

2024. Mastering Space for Country Development. Voprosy Filosofii. 8 (Aug. 2024), 5–15. DOI: