E.Iu. Soloviev and the Completeness of Philosophical Discourse


  • Lora T. Ryskeldiyeva Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, 4, Vernadskogo prospect, Symferopol, 295007, Russian Federation.




I. Kant, M. Luther, M. Voloshin, E.Iu. Soloviev, article, history of philosophy, philosophical discourse, text, past, law, morality.


The article is dedicated to the great anniversary of Erich Iurievich Soloviev, who wrote a brilliant article on how to write good articles. The author is aware of her responsibility, but still makes an attempt to reconstruct all parts of the philosophical heritage of the hero of the day, believing that it expresses a complete philosophical discourse. As a theorist, the hero of the day is pre­sented as a historian of philosophy and as a philosopher of law. The semantic unity of his researches is provided by the teaching of I. Kant. A recognized master of analysis and interpretation of philosophical texts, E.Iu. Soloviev sees the Kantian heritage as a tool for interpreting the pressing problems of our real­ity and convincingly proves the relevance of the thesis about the complemen­tarity of morality and law. In the practical part of philosophical discourse,
E.Iu. Soloviev is presented as an actor whose textual action is carried out in a deontological context. With the expressions “lesson” and “student-like”, the imperative “have the courage to think for yourself”, as well as a persona­listic conviction in the possibilities of the reasoning of each of us, the hero of the day participates in the age of Enlightenment as a long-running process and gives us hope for the future of Reason. If we accept M. Mamardashvili’s thesis on the importance of the “metaphysical aposteriori”, then E.Iu. Soloviev’s meta­physics can be derived from his reconstruction of M.A. Voloshin’s poetry’s fundamental meaning. The characterization of the hero of the day as a Mentor, consisting of his ability and desire to listen and hear, sincere and rare nowadays interest in the personality of the interlocutor, as well as the perlocutive effect of his texts – a tribute to the author of the article Erich Iurievich Soloviev.





From One Person Celebrating Their Anniversary to Another

How to Cite

2024. E.Iu. Soloviev and the Completeness of Philosophical Discourse. Voprosy Filosofii. 5 (Jul. 2024), 90–99. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21146/0042-8744-2024-5-90-99.